Color Guard
The Westwood color guard, under the direction of Chris Josey, provides additional visual aspects to the marching band performance. The color guard performs alongside the marching band at football games and competes in winter guard contests during the late winter and early spring. The color guard interprets the music that the marching band is playing via the synchronized spinning of flags, sabers, rifles, and through dance. The color guard uses different colors and styles of flags as well as costuming to enhance the visual effect of the marching band as a whole. The color guard may also use backdrops and scenery to provide color to enhance and expand the concept of the show. Although not a requirement, many color guard members also play an instrument in the Westwood Warrior Band and have a background in dance. Know anyone interested in joining our award-winning Colorguard? Have them contact our Color Guard Director, Mr. Istratie, with any questions.

Winter Guard
We are beyond proud of our hard working Varsity Guard members who concluded a successful 2022 season by advancing to TCGC State Championship Finals (Texas Color Guard Circuit) with their beautiful show, Sweet Dreams. Our JV Guard team also had a great season by winning 2nd place at the JV State Championships held at Davenport High School in San Antonio, TX with their show titled Grow! In addition, both JV and Varsity earned 2nd place in each of their classes on Feb. 26, 2022 at TCGC Georgetown. Check out more photos of our 2022 season on our Flickr album.