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Westwood Area Band Boosters Membership

The Westwood Area Band Boosters (WABB) consists of parents, guardians, and friends of the band program that support all of our bands at Westwood, Grisham, and Canyon Vista. The WABB funds services and educational opportunities not provided by RRISD, provides volunteer manpower that it takes to support a high quality band program, and maintains a communications network for parents. Joining the Westwood Area Band Boosters helps fund the following band activities at Canyon Vista, Grisham and Westwood:

  • Instructional support and technicians
  • Private lesson financial assistance
  • College scholarships
  • Band camp scholarships
  • Competition entry fees
  • Equipment
  • Marching show props
  • Color guard training
  • New marching instruments
  • And much more! 

Levels of Membership:

  • Virtuoso: $500 or above ($40 membership, plus $460 donation)
  • Whole Note: $300 ($40 membership, plus $260 donation)
  • Half Note: $200 ($40 membership, plus $160 donation)
  • Quarter Note: $100 ($40 membership, plus $60 donation)
  • Basic Membership:  $40
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